Is all Inflammation bad? No, inflammation is a normal process in the body when an injury occurs. It starts to become a problem when we have inflammation in the area for an extended period of time. Arthritis, chronic overuse, and many other reasons can be the cause of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation decreases joint space and can be a contributing factor to our Aches and pains. This anti-inflammatory smoothie recipe can help to reduce some of this chronic inflammation and may help reduce some of your aches and Pains!

Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie Recipe
4 - 5 celery Stalks
1 cup of spinach
1 cup of pineapple
1 apple
1/2 lemon
1 pinch of ginger
1 pinch of Turmeric
1 Tablespoon of Mint
Dash of Cayenne Pepper
Taste may not be on the top of mind when drinking this smoothie, but lets dive into some of the benefits.
Collectively the above ingredients provide these benefits: Fights inflammation, reduce inflammation, reduce BP, aid digestion, helps weight management, boosts immunity, promotes tissue healing, improve mental health, boosts heart health, may help prevent diabetes, improve blood circulation, helps protect against cancer, fights cold and flu, skin brightening, improves mood, pain relief, better brain function, helps manage stress, reduce cold symptoms, and improve alllergy symptoms.
Try this for 3 weeks once a day and discover great results!!
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Consult your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or other medical professionals for proper diagnosis and treatment of your inflammatory pain.