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"Exploring the Top 3 Inner Ear Conditions: What You Need to Know"


Many inner ear conditions can cause you dizziness, ringing in the ear, and make you feel unsteady. These are factors that can change how you go about your daily life. Your inner ear's main job is to keep you balanced and allows you to hear. Each of the conditions effect the inner ear differently.

Dizzy elderly person

3 Inner Ear Conditions

1. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): This is a really fancy word for having the crystals within your ear becoming dislodged. This can cause dizziness, unsteadiness, sensation of room spinning, and feeling nauseous. For more information and treatment of click the link below:

Anatomy of vestibular system

2. Vestibular Neuritis: is a condition where the Vestibular nerve is inflamed causing interference from the inner ear to the brain. Severe dizziness, difficulty concentrating, balance issues, nauseous/vomiting, lightheadedness, motion sensitivity, and vertigo are the result of this phenomenon. It is thought to be brought on by a viral infection. If the cochlear nerve also becomes affected it is considered Labrynthitis. Individuals may describe ringing in their ears if Cochlear nerve is also effected.

3. Vestibular Migraines: are migraines that effect your Vestibular system, so along with a headache, an individual may have a spinning sensation, feel dizzy or unsteady, and may have visual disturbances. Vestibular migraines are triggered based on a variety of factors. Eating habits, stress levels, hydration levels, illness, and many more. For more information and treatment of click the link below:

Treatment for the above conditions are slightly different and goals are also slightly different, but the main symptoms are the same "dizziness, unsteadiness, sensation of room spinning, and feeling nauseous". To determine your main cause and get effectively treated see your ENT and follow up with a Vestibular Physical Therapist.

Vestibular Rehab

Typically Vestibular Rehab looks like a lot like balance training. This is to work on the brain-body connection and strengthen the Vestibular system! Multiple exercises are focused on visual training, as the eyes and ears are so closely connected. Some examples of exercises are brandt daroff exercises, conversion training, vestibulo-ocular reflex training, and smooth pursuit training. Rehab can be FUN, engaging, and motivational if treated by the right individual. Check out the video link for how to perform vestibulo-ocular reflex training (VOR):

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