Benefits of adding regular stretching to your exercise routine:

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy I wanted to share why and how to perform stretches appropriately and effecitively to assist you toward your goal. Everyone knows they should stretch, but so little add it to their routine. After reading through some of the potential benefits, maybe you will find the motivation to add it to your daily routine.
Some people avoid stretching becuase they are unaware of what type of stretching they should perform. It all starts with your goal. What are you trying to achieve from your stretches? Are you using them to warm-up? Cool down? Improve flexibility? Decrease pain? or even all the above? Below are a couple different kinds of stretches and rationale for why you would use one over the other.
Ballistic stretching: This is a form of stretching that uses bouncing/jerking motion to help the get past end range of motion. This is usually used by athlete with the desire to gain increased mobility or range of motion to perform better during their sport. This is a much more intense form of stretching and should be used with caution.
Dynamic stretching: uses the target muscle to stretch it into end range of motion. Motion is performed much slower/jerky than ballistic stretching, and can be rhythmical in nature. This kind of stretching is really good for warm ups, as it assists to improve speed/ agility, and decreases risk for injury.
Static Stretching: is the most common form individuals think of when they think of stretching, get the joint or muscle to its end range of motion and hold. Static stretching can assist in improving range of motion, decrease stiffness/tightness in the muscle and/or tendon, reduce soreness after exercise (as it assists to increase muscle blood flow, which is an important process during recovery after exercise), and reduce risk of injury. *Important note: in order for this kind of stretching to be effective research shows that it needs to be done for at least 90 seconds at total end range.
If you didn't get motivated to add stretching to your routine yet here are some other benefits to adding stretching to your daily routine.
Motivation #1 - Improves function & Quality of life!
If you have difficulty lifting light weights off the floor, getting out of bed, sitting on the floor, or performing recreational activities, it might be the cause of tightness and stiffness throughout your body. I don't have kids or grandkids myself, but if all I had to do was stretch to be able to engage more in my little ones life it would make me beyond happy.
Motivation #2 - Decreases risk of injury and pain!
With your muscles less bound up you will put less stress on your joints, muscles, and tendons. With less stress on your joints it can help to reduce arthritis and other degenerative pain symptoms. Stretching can reduce risk of, or improve current muscle pain via increasing circulation to the muscles, helping keep your muscles happy and healthy.
"Flexibility is youth." – Diamond Dallas Page
Motivation #3 - Improve Heart Health
Increasing blood flow in the body, as stretching does, can help to reduce arterial stiffness and reduce blood pressure. Therefore, stretching can assist in reducing risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
As you can see stretching is extremely important for your health and should be added to your daily routine. Try stretching the target muscle 3 times a week for best results. Here are a few short video links on different stretches you can perform to get you started.
If you want a more personalized program for stretching to recieve the best benefits. Contact me so we can organize a one-on-one video conference, to address your areas of tightness. Also, if you found this to be helpful or interesting please leave a comment and/or subscribe to help this reach others who may need the information.